- Fuilla

Reservation Camping

Our bank in the Netherlands: Rabobank- IBAN: NL61 RABO 0368 107 361 / BIC: RABONL2U- in regard to W.F. van der Vlies
Postal address: Camping Le Rotja - 6 Chemin de la Mouillère - 66820 Fuilla – France
Telephone number: 0033  46 896 52 75

Reservations are not necessary in low season. There is always room at our campsite, so you are very welcome!

General terms and conditions for the campsites

  • On the day of departure you will leave the site clean and empty, before 12 a.m.
  • Reservation is only effective after a deposit of 100 Euro + 15.00 Euro  reservation costs. After receipt of these amounts, we will send you a reservation confirmation with reservation number. (without this confirmation you will NOT have a reservation)
  • In case of late arrival of which the reception of the camping was not notified, your down payment gives you the right to the site for 24 hours, counting from the planned arrival date.
  • Until two months before the date of arrival, 75% of the down payment will be refunded in case of cancelation. If it is not allowed to travel due to Covid19, the full amount up to the arrival date will always be refunded.
  • 1 car to a site, all extra cars must be parked outside the camping.
  • Dogs are permitted but leashed. Letting out your dog permitted only outside the camping.
  • The camper/client is responsible for having insurance against theft or illness. The camping accepts no responsibility for this.
  • Conditions set down by the local authorities:
    - No more than 6 persons on a site.
    - Vaccination card mandatory for pets.
    - Barbecueing allowed only on gas or electricity, so not on charcoal, coals, wood or similar.

It is only possible to reserve a site with a reservation form, not by telephone.
